Scientific Outputs
Publications (peer reviewed)
Melo, A. T., & Campos. R. (2022). Facilitating scientific events guided by Complex Thinking: A case study of an online Inter/Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School. Informing Science: The International Journal of an Emerging Transdiscipline, 25, 089-110.
Melo. A. T. (2020). Performing complexity. Building foundations for the practice of complex thinking. Springer. More on the book
Melo, A. T., Caves, L. S. D., Dewitt, A., Clutton, E., Macpherson, R. & Garnett, P. (2020). Thinking (in) Complexity: (In)definitions and (mis)conceptions. Systems Research and Behavioural Science, 37 (1), 154-169. Doi: 10.1002/sres.2612
Caves, L., & Melo, A. T. (2018). (Gardening) Gardening: A relational framework for complex thinking about complex systems. In Walsh, R., & Stepney, S. (Eds.), (2018). Narrating complexity (pp. 149-196). London: Springer. Link
Publications (pre print)
Melo, A. T., Caves, L. S. D., El-Hani, C. N., Renault, L., Gershenson, C., Soto-Andrade, J., … Morell, J. (2023, November 6). Modes of Thinking (In) Complexity: An Interdisciplinary Mapping of Key Questions and Challenges for Theory, Research and Practice.
Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed)
Melo, Ana. T. (2022). Conceptualizing and Designing (Co)Augmented Intelligence(s) Enacting Complex Thinking: Morphological Constraints, Challenges and Implications. Proceedings 2022, 81(1), 85.
Other Publications (reports, methods and technical documents, etc)
Campos, R., Melo, A. T., Caves, L, Garnett, P. (2021). CES Winter School 2020. ‘Sustainable development, complexity and change: thinking and practices for the SDG and other objectives’. Descriptive and evaluation summary report. Coimbra: Centro de Estudos Sociais. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27326.61766/1
Melo, A. T. (2020). Complex relational thinking method. A proposal for facilitating the emergence and integration of ideas in debates, round-table discussions and dialogical meetings. V3.EN.2020. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17185.02408
Melo. A. T. & Caves, L. S. (2020). Relational thinking for emergence: A methodology for guided discussions. v1.2019. Link
Melo. A. T. (2020). Método de pensamento relacional complexo para facilitação da emergência e integração de ideias em debates, tertúlias e outros encontros dialógicos. Link
Melo, A. T. (2023). Oral presentation titled “Complex thinking for a Science of Possibilities” presented at the 3rd International Conference of Possibilities Studies “ Cultivating the possible: Reimagining education and Society”, 17-21 July 2023, Dublin City University, Dublin.
Melo, A. T. & Caves, L. S. D. C (2023). Invited keynote speaker, with the presentation titled “Environ-ings: Epistemically potent environments for complex knowings”, co-authored with Leo Caves, at the Seminar Series History, Philosophy, Biology Teaching Lab, of the Federal University of Bahia Brazil, online, 13 June 2023, Available at:
Melo, A. R. & Renault, L. (2023). Oral presentation titled “Complex Thinking choreographies and transformative processes” at the Conference “ Applying Education in a Complex World” [virtual track], organised by AMPS, 26-28 April 2023, Toronto and online.
Melo, A. T. & Renault, L. (2023). Oral presentation titled “From cartographing to choreographing complex thinking: new possibilities for “seeing” and acting on the thinking” at the session 4-E cognition II at the “4th International Conference on Philosophy of Mind: the 4E’s Approach to the Mind/Brain”, 6-8 March, Catholic University of Portugal, Braga, Portugal
Melo, A. T. & Renault, L. (2022). Oral presentation titled “Complex Thinking As A New Inter And Transdisciplinary Domain for Theory, Research, and Practice: A Complex Knowledge Organisation (online)”, at the 7th International Conference Interdisciplinary Social Sciences “At the crossing of paradigms: Considering heteredoxy in the social sciences”, 21-23 July, Athens and online, organised by the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Network. Available at
Melo, A. T. & Campos, R. (2022). Oral presentation titled “Facilitating Scientific Events Guided By Complex Thinking: A Case Study Of An Online Inter/Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School”, 6 of JUly at the INSITE2022: InSITE 2022: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences, 6-7 July, online, organised by the Informing Science Institute.
Melo, A. T. & Caves, L. S. D. C. (2021). Oral presentation titled: “Outreach in Complexity Studies for Transforming ‘Everyday’ Modes of Thinking: The Complex Thinking Academy” [online], 29 October 2021, at the Conference on Complex Systems, 2021, 25-29 October, Lyon and online, by organisation of the Complex Systems Society. Available at:
Melo. A. T. (2021). Poster presentation "Promoting Complexity in Scientific and Interdisciplinary Group Discussion: Development of the ‘Relatoscopes’ and ‘Observatron’ methods", [online] 25 October 2021, at the Conference on Complex Systems 2021, 25-29 October, Lyon and online. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11203.32806
Melo, A. T. (2021). Oral presentation titled “Conceptualisating and designing (Co)Augmented Intelligence(s) enacting Complex Thinking: reflecting on the morphological constraints, challenges and implications”, 16th September 2021, at 4th International Workshop on Morphological Computing - MORCOM 2021, integrated in the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information, September 12-19, 2021, online. Video available here.
Melo, A. T. & Renault, L. (2022). Oral presentation titled “Complexigraphies: Une méthodologie d’analyse qualitative des mouvements d’une pensée complexe” [Complexigraphies: A qualitative methodology for analysing the movements of a complex thinking] at the Congrés Scientific International “Comprendre les processus de changement: Apports des méthodes qualitatives et mixtes”, 13-14th October, at the University de Liège, Belgium, by organisation of the l’Unité de Recherche ARCh (Adaptation, Résilience et Changement) de l’Université de Liège.
Melo, A. T. & Renault, L. (2022). Oral presentation titled “Complex Thinking As A New Inter And Transdisciplinary Domain for Theory, Research, and Practice: A Complex Knowledge Organisation (online)”, at the 7th International Conference Interdisciplinary Social Sciences “At the crossing of paradigms: Considering heteredoxy in the social sciences”, 21-23 July, Athens and online, organised by the Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Research Network. Available at
Melo, A. T. & Campos, R. (2022). Oral presentation titled “Facilitating Scientific Events Guided By Complex Thinking: A Case Study Of An Online Inter/Transdisciplinary Advanced Training School”, 6 of JUly at the INSITE2022: InSITE 2022: Informing Science + IT Education Conferences, 6-7 July, online, organised by the Informing Science Institute.
Melo, A. T. (2021). Oral presentation [keynote] titled “How complex is your thinking? Challenging complexity in complexity science”, at Complex Systems Seminar, Weekly Summer Series, by organisation of Complex Systems India in collaboration with the Complex Systems Society, 4th August 2021, online
Melo, A. T, Caves, L. S. D., Campos, R, (2021). Facilitation of the Workshop-Demonstration titled “As Academias do Pensamento Complexo como atividades de extensão científica e laboratório de transformação” [The complex thinking academies as scientific extension activities and laboratories of transformation], 1h30m, workshop, 25th June, at the Congress of Science Communication, SciCOMPT, “Old challenges new threats: Fighting uncertainty and misinformation”, 23-25 June 2021, online.
Melo, A. T. (2021). Oral presentation titled “From research to practice: qualitative methods for complex thinking in 'real-world' interventions", presented at 5th World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR2021), 20 to 22 January, online, by organisation of the University of Barcelona and Ludomedia.
Melo, A. T. (2020), Performance et relationnalité dans la pratique de la pensée complexe: apports d'une approache énactive. Oral presentation (keynote) at the “Semináire international L'énaction: réflexiones et pistes méthodologiques”, with the presentation titled “”, online event, 11 December 2020, by organisation of the Université de Montréal,
Melo, A. T. (2020). Managing complexity through the complexity of our thinking: Key research questions and challenges to the development of a meta-heuristic. Poster presentation at the Conference on Complex Systems 2020 (CCS2020), online, 7 December 2020. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12676.14720
Melo, A. T., Caves, L. S. D., Garnett, P. & Campos, R. (2020). Building Foundations for Complex Thinking: A call for inter/transdisciplinary collaborations. Poster presentation at the Conference on Complex Systems 2020 (CCS2020), online, 8 December 2020. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14353.86880
Melo, A. T. & Caves, L. (2019). Oral presentation titled, “Complex Thinking and Emergence", comunicação, delivered at The Second International TRANSIT Workshop on Cross-disciplinary Research: Emergence, University of York, United Kingdom, 27 a 28 de Março.